The best sci-fi books



Science fiction is in a constant state of flux, and coming up with a solidified canon is something that will vary from person to person. Certainly, there are classics books are legendary not only for providing readers with much to think about, but also impacting the writers that follow them, 

influencing subject matter,


and perspective.

The windup girl by Paolo Bacigalupi 

Windup girl 2009

Set in a world where oil is no longer a thing and where "mega agricorps" control the world’s food supply with genetically modified crops, Author's story is set in a futuristic Thailand that’s managed to stave off environmental apocalypse:
because the country has been able to keep outsiders out, it’s avoided crop failures and famine. That success however, comes with problems: Agents from some of those agricorps are working to get their hands on the country’s seedbank to solve some of their problems,
 while a genetically-modified woman tries to escape sexual slavery as war looms.

Climate change is a subject that’s ripe for fiction, but Author goes beyond mere disaster porn with this novel. The Windup Girl looks at how rampant capitalism and its associated abuses underpins the climate disaster.

Leviathan Wakes by James S.A Corey

Leviathan wakes 2011
Leviathan Wakes kicks off Corey’s The Expanse series, a sprawling, ambitious project that explores humanity’s future in space, looking not only at the dangers of balkanization and marginalization in society, alongside the dangerous and perilous possibilities that a galactic diaspora might pose to humanity when we venture out into the stars.
 While space opera never really went away, Leviathan Wakes has helped revitalize the story, paving the way for other authors to explore space and uncover new revelations about humanity as they do so.


The Martian 2011
That realism is one reason why The Martian grabbed a lot of people’s attention: Weir paid a considerable amount of time getting the details right for a realistic mission to Mars, and the steps that his hapless astronaut, Mark Watney needed to take to survive, from how he grew his food, how he figured out how to communicate with Earth, and ultimately escape from the planet.

Additionally, The Martian helped demonstrate the potential of self-publishing. When Weir wasn’t able to sell the novel to a publisher, he began serializing it on his website for free, and then began selling it on Amazon. The book quickly became a bestseller, which led to a major publishing deal and then a blockbuster movie directed by Ridley Scott.

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